LifeFuels Shop
Create a website that accomplished these 3 business goals (1) allow users to easily shop for the bottle and pods (2) let user discover the bottle, pods, and understand the technology behind it, (3) Make it beautiful, intuitive, and engaging so that users connect with the LifeFuels brand
Product Owners — Leadership, Engineering, Firmware, Marketing, Beverage Software
Software Team — 2 developers, 2 backend engineers, 1 director / PO, 1 data analyst
Wireframes — Prototypes — Visual Design — Interaction Design — Research — Usability Testing — User Analytics
Similar to the design / dev cycle with the LifeFuels App, the responsive website build was accomplished in a lean / agile cycle. I worked closely with the two developers tasked with the build out, as well as our Director of Software, to hand off designs in a timely manner. Weekly design reviews allowed the entire software team to jump in with questions, concerns, or feedback about the process.
Throughout the process, I regularly met with stakeholders from engineering and marketing to ensure the design of the website was including the needs of their respective departments. From engineering, I needed to make sure I accurately communicated the story of the Bottle, most importantly conveying the technology behind it in a way the average consumer could understand. From a marketing standpoint, I needed to ensure the copywriting and visuals were on-brand and consistent with the LifeFuels story in email and social platforms.
Each week, I presented the latest designs to the mobile team and relevant stakeholders for feedback. Approved designs were delivered via sketch -> Zeplin.